
My name is Big C, or at least for now, that’s all you’ll know me by. 

I’m a 22 year old, single, writer, with a trainwreck life. I figured I’d finally put my writing out there instead of leaving it in countless notebooks and journals, where no one else (including myself) reads it. So here it is.

My life consists of alot of craziness, mainly involving relationships and friendships. I like to think of my life as a mini Sex & The City, just without the big city life, and way younger in age. The martini’s, constant nightlife outings, dysfunctional relationships, and the debt caused by designer items, however, are all still apart of my life. I’d say i’m the perfect mix of Carrie & Samantha. I have Samantha’s promiscuity, liberation, and dedication to my friends, and I have Carrie’s expensive taste, gratuitous spending habit, attraction to red flags, fear of being alone, and pattern of fucking up (almost) everything I touch. 

That’s all the introduction i’ll give you for now. Rest assured, you’ll end up learning so much about me along the way during this blogging journey of mine. So buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride 🙂

Here is, The World According to Me